Tuesday, July 7, 2020

7-5-2020 Elko, NV Part III

On our 3rd and last day in Elko, we decided to take a drive out into the country.  Rob found a road into Lamoille Canyon that was neither too far nor too treacherous.  Once again, it was a beautiful day with blue skies and white fluffy clouds.  The mountains and the canyons carved out by the glaciers are gray, green and brown and streaked with snow.  The snow is melting and waterfalls flow down into the many streams.  We hoped to see animals but the only ones were humans throwing their lines into the streams hoping to snag a few trout.  The canyon road is not a loop, it ends abruptly and so after a small stay, we turned the Jeepster around and headed for the ranch.
This valley is where two glaciers collided
250,000 years ago.

See the white arrow?  That is
a waterfall.

This is the waterfall in the picture above
using the zoom on my

Time to have a toonie, a quick bite and begin our preparations for our drive tomorrow to Caldwell, Idaho.  Caldwell is about 15 miles west of Eagle where our buddy golden Jakey-Doodle lives with Bob and Ada.  It will be a long lazy 5-day visit with our friends.


  1. Are you staying in RV parks so far? Beautiful pictures. Go visit our friends in Eagle while you're there. Hugs.

  2. Loving your time in Elko. Tell Nob and Ada hi! Safe travels!
