Monday, July 5, 2021


There was this saying down home on the farm:  “I haven’t had this much fun since the pigs ate my little brother.”  But that’s probably not PC anymore so I better not say it.  Furthermore, I only have one little brother.  If there were several little brothers they could fight over who I meant but…. well…. anyway.  It’s true, we had a ball today. 

After getting all decked out in red, white and blue, we packed up lawn chairs, cameras, umbrellas and headed for Virginia City and the 4th of July parade.  Yesterday, we had befriended Dave who parks cars in the reserved lot next to the Bucket of Blood Saloon.  We cajoled him into holding a spot for us, tipped him by 50% and got a spot front and center on the parade route.


On the short few steps to the Bucket, Pepper greeted us.  Pepper is Angus’ pet pig.  Pepper walks the streets wearing his frozen cooling collar and his little American flag for today.  He gets pets, treats and poses for pictures.  Frankly, I’m a little bit used to burros, I’ve seen a goat or two, but being greeted on the sidewalk by a pig was a first.


Up and down C Street there were flags, music, shops open for business and down a block or two and an outdoor bbq serving brats and beer.  My Beloved’s mouth was watering.  After we saved him from starvation, we headed back up the street to watch the parade.  Along the way, though, Lindy had to wander into this place and that.  One spot is the Silver Queen Hotel and Casino.  Naturally, the parlor is a saloon and posted on one wall is a mural of the Silver Queen, a sixteen-foot tall portrait of a lady in a gown made of silver coins.  She celebrates the golden age, if you will, of the silver lode of the Comstock, which was the biggest silver strike in USA history (and more than likely was the reason Nevada was accepted as a state in the union, bureaucrats not being shy about their lust for money).  Her dress is made of 3,261 one dollar silver coins, all mined and minted locally and the weight in silver is 210 pounds. 


On to our seats and the parade.  The patriotism, love of country and explosive enthusiasm was a transfusion for our rather beleaguered spirits.  We just couldn’t believe the electricity!  If Virginia City were the only place in the nation to have a voice and a vote, Trump would be the 47th President of the USA in 2024.  It was hypnotic!  Well my friends, it was a day of baptism by total immersion in conservatism.  We are upbeat and grinning!

The emcee said, "Let us all rise as our
Sheriff sings our National Anthem. No kneeling!"

Taken Fourth of July Eve.  These
people party long and hardy!

Dancing Horses

Lindy at the Bucket!  

Town trolley

No caption necessary

Another little

Little conservative-in-training!

Rob choosing his "favorite float."

And another "favorite float."

Not sure what side of the fence
 these folks fall down on..... 

These either!

Happy 4th of July to all!


  1. So fun!!! Bucket of Blood Saloon, Rob's favorite floats, the Real Pandemic T-Shirt, Trump fans and Virginia City's 4th Of July mascot Pepper the pig. Very cool! Another fond memory for you and Rob!!!

  2. How wonderful! And you were surrounded by your kind of peeps. Couldn't ask for more. Happy Trails! Sharon

  3. I had a pot belly pig. Her name was Sweet Pea, lived to be 11 years old. She looked similar to Pepper! Great photos.

  4. Great story (again) and lots of fun :-) good to see you both.

  5. Once again, your deceptive style of writing sets a high bar for the rest of us. Enjoy!

  6. Lindy and Rob, what a time you guys have traveling, mingling and tailing!! Happy July.
