Saturday, June 15, 2019


Friday night 6-14-2019:
We depart in the morning on a brand new adventure.  We are more or less prepared, everything mostly packed up except for this contraption on which I am clicking, clicking, clicking and so forth.  The home fridge is emptied except for Rob’s breakfast.  The home lighting computers and the trees’ watering system computer are checked and double-checked.  The mail and papers are stopped, the pest control folks, Sheriff and ADT have their notifications.  There is something amiss, of course, but we won’t know what it is until we are long gone.

We had one last good-bye cocktail with our good friends and neighbors, George and Kathy, whom we shall not see again until the end of September.  That’s the way it is here in the desert:  we all say, “adios,” for the Summer months.  It is already 107F here in the Pahrump valley, midday, and that or more will be the norm.  So we desert rats, crazed from the heat apparently, all decide we will go from where it is hot to wherever it is hot and also humid.  Why we do this remains a mystery.  That’s always the itinerary, it seems.

Importantly, we old folks have remembered to pack up the big essentials, prescriptions and underwear.  These, along with shorts, t-shirts, raincoats, mud shoes, mosquito repellent, hats, mittens, sunblock, umbrellas and heavy coats should get us through most anything.

Having sold our beloved Bee, our one and only carriage is Noobee, our Winnebago that just celebrated her first birthday.  We are cautiously optimistic that Noobee is functioning without a glitch.  But of course these beasts never malfunction when they are sitting in the driveway, now, do they?  The headaches, if there are any, will arise en transit.  We’ll burn those bridges when we get to them.  We even packed suitcases for the unexpected hotel stay, God forbid.   But you know how it goes, if you can’t handle the occasional trouble, stay on the porch.  So we’re braced and as prepared as we know how to be.  Hey, bring it!

We are ready.  Whatever we’ve forgotten will stay at 1640.  We’re off like a dirty shirt.  First stop, Flagstaff.

All hooked up, checked and re-checked

On our way with our guardian angels!


  1. Have a great trip, looking forward to the logs !

    1. Any final destination or just going where the wind blows??

  2. Travel safe, of course!! And have a wondeful time! We will be following your adventure!!! Hugs!

  3. Happy Trails. So glad you're on the road again. Have a glorious trip!

  4. Adventure awaits. Enjoy the journey! Thanks for sharing it with all us sticks-in-the-mud. Safe travels to you.
    Mark Hansen
