Friday, November 13, 2020

11-13-2020 Introduction to a Short Fall Trip

 Maybe the authorities will scold us, “OK, don’t say you weren’t warned!”  Our governor, Emperor Sisolak, has “strongly suggested” that we Nevada citizens all lock down for 14 days.  He decrees that if we do not abide, he will… well… I supposed haul millions of us away in handcuffs or something.  (We’ve also been threatened if we get together with family and friends for Thanksgiving.)  All that said, Noobee is all packed up, aired up, watered up, gassed up, dieseled up and boozed up and we are on the road.  We had no choice.  How long can you sit at home?  How much TV can you watch?  So we are headed east to visit Valley of Fire,  not too far from the shore of Lake Mead, that marvelous enormous, blue, inland sea created by one of the wonders of the world, Boulder Dam.  Our effort to explore this beautiful state and learn about its history and geography continues.


One casual observation:  It takes just as long to outfit and rig up Noobee for a six-day trip as it does for a 3-month trip.  Just sayin.’


So, The DeLaMare Outlaws have joined the others who defy the authorities as we sit in rush hour traffic traveling through Las Vegas to our destiny:  Lake Mead RV Village at Echo Bay.  Look for us on Tucker Carlson.  Or in jail.  Maybe we’ll open a “gofundme” page!  Send bail money!


Four days of adventures and stories forthcoming!


  1. Enjoy your trip you rebel rousers!

  2. Ha! Ha! Ha! Enjoy your freedom while you can. It soon maybe on display in museums! Take care and have a boatload of fun! Frank, Az

  3. So "Unknown" above says Sisolak has the Covid. What???I thought masks were the sure thing solution to this!

  4. This is a test to comment as "Name/URL".

  5. Huh? Who's on first? Looking forward to the blogs....Enjoy!

  6. Hi Lindy! Don't forget to wear your mask.

  7. Replies
    1. Our lakes will soon be frozen -- so do we still have to wear a mask?
